Rainsmore Project

RAINSMORE, for ‘Raincell et Autres INnovations, Satellites et Mesure Opportunistes issues des Reseaux de telecommunication, pour Estimation et spatialisation des precipitations’ is an International Research Network (IRN) financed by the french Institut de Recherche pour le Dévelopement (IRD).



WIP . . .

list of collaborators and a short description about each one.

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    Marielle Gosset


    Marielle Gosset

    Senior Research Scientist/Directrice de Recherche Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, IRD, France.
    RESEARCH INTERESTS: Hydrology, HydroMeteorology ; Satellite Remote Sensing of Precipitation, Weather radar, Telecommunication links, Global water cycle.
    Dr Marielle Gosset has focused her research over the past 15 years on satellite and ground radar remote sensing of the precipitation and application to hydrology. Her main interests is in understanding rainfall variability and its impact on hydrological process and water budget. She is also interested in improving our understanding and prediction of hydrometeorological extremes and flooding. She also works with novel techniques and opportunity measurements from telecom network to measure rainfall (RAINCELL/SMART/RAINSMORE coordination). Her activity has focused in the Tropics -focus in Africa and growing collaboration with Brazil- where she has carried out research as well as training activities. She is a member of the Science Team (ST) of the NASA-CNES hydrology satellite SWOT, and SMASH as well as the GPM constellation science team and International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG).


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    Geraldo Ferreira


    Geraldo Ferreira

    Antonio Geraldo Ferreira has a Physics Degree in 1990 from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Rio Claro City - SP-Brazil. He has a specialization in satellites from NOAA - National and Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (Washington - USA - 1996 - 1997) and obtained his master's degree in Tropical Marine Sciences (Area of concentration: Remote Sensing Techniques applied to fisheries in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean), at LABOMAR-UFC (Sea Sciences Institute-Federal University of Ceará), in 2005. His PhD degree was obtained in the Departamento de Física de la Tierra y Termodinámica de la Universidad de Valencia (UV) - Spain, in 2012, with the Climatology from Satellites Group. His thesis employed Artificial Intelligence in synergy with “in situ” data and GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget) sensor data, on board Meteosat Satellite, to study the energy balance at the surface. Currently he is an Associate Professor at LABOMAR lecturing for undergraduate and graduate students on Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Applied to Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology, and Climatology and Global Changes. At UFC, Geraldo is EOLlab's (Earth Observation Labomar Laboratory) coordinator where he guides students on topics related to Earth Observation from Space.


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    Tarcisio Maciel


    Tarcisio Maciel

    Tarcisio F. Maciel received his Bachelor (2002) and Master of Science (2004) degrees from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Brazil. In 1999, studied for one year at the Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany. From 2001 to 2004, developed research activities by the Wireless Telecommunications Research Group (GTEL) of the Teleinformatics Engineering Department (DETI) of the UFC working in the areas of wireless communications, radio resource management, and smart antennas. From 2005 to 2008, developed and concluded his Ph.D. studies at the Communications Engineering Lab of the Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (TUD), Darmstadt, Germany, in the same areas. In 2009, he was admitted as professor at the UFC - Campus de Sobral, where he worked by the Computer Engineering course. In 2010, he was admitted as professor at the UFC - Campus do Pici - Fortaleza. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at DETI, a permanent member of the Teleinformatics Engineering Post-Graduation Program (PPGETI) and a researcher by GTEL, where he develops research activities related to 5th and 6th generation wireless communication systems.


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    Romulo Oliveira


    Romulo Oliveira

    Rômulo A. Juca Oliveira is currently a research fellow with Insitut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) at Geoscience Environnement Toulouse (GET). He is a specialist or remote sensing of precipitation and hydrological applications of rainfall products. He has been involved in the science teams of many satellite projects like the international, NASA/JAXA lead Global Precipittaion Measurement Mission (GPM) or the French-Indian Megha-Tropiques project. Before a long scientific stay in France, Romulo was working with INPE in Brazil, where he obtained his PhD.


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    Modeste Kacou


    Modeste Kacou

    Modeste Kacou is a researcher at Laboratoire des Sciences de la Matière, de l’Environnement et de l’Energie Solaire (LASMES) at University Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire.
    He is co-sponsor of the RAINSMORE GDRI and coordinates the various RainCell activities in Africa. He is involved in a project on hydrometeological risks in urban areas in Abidjan. As such, he has directed several master’s dissertations on these different themes. He has been working with the IRD for about ten years. Modeste is a specialist in measuring rain by remote sensing (radar, satellite) and also from the mobile telephone network. Since 2014, he holds a PhD in Precipitation Analysis in the Sahel region from a polarimetric X-band radar from the Universities of Toulouse and Félix Houphouêt-Boigny.
    He is also the Secretary General of the Ivorian Society of Physics, a scholarly society that works for the promotion of Physics in Côte d'Ivoire.


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    Rafael Reis


    Rafael Reis

    Rafael Reis is currently a research fellow at the Cearense Foundation of Meteorology and Water Resources (Funceme) and cotutelle PhD student in Water Resources at the Federal University of Ceará and in Remote Sensing at the University of Toulouse III/SDU2E. He has been working in research related to the planning and management of water systems in the Northeast, with extensive experience in field missions and coordination projects aimed at monitoring the quality and quantity of water in reservoirs. Now he’s involved in the science teams of satellite projects, like SWOT Early Adopters - NASA/CNES, with main interest in understanding the dynamics of the water extent, height and volume of small reservoirs and associated with hydrological behavior of the basin.


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    Rodrigo Zambrana


    Rodrigo Zambrana

    Rodrigo Zambrana is a PhD Candidate at Université de Guyane and WeatherForce (France-based weather-intelligence company). He is an electronics' engineer specialized in signal and image processing and data science pursuing a PhD in Earth Sciences researching the optimal estimation of rainfall merging from various sources of information (satellite ; gauges ; weather radar and telecommunication network) and novel data science methods.


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    Nícolas Araujo


    Nícolas Araujo

    Nícolas de Araújo Moreira has a bachelor's in electrical engineering degree (2010 - Federal University of Ceará, UFC, Brazil), a master's degree in teleinformatics engineering (2015 - UFC), and PhD in telecommunications (2019 - Université de Lille, France). In 2010 he was an exchange student at École Centrale de Nantes (France) and was an internship student at Institut de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Electronique de Nantes Atlantique (IREENA, France). Later, in 2011 and 2012, he was an internship student at National Institute for Space Researches (INPE, Brazil). During the final year of his Ph.D., he was an assistant professor at Institut Mines Télécom Lille Douai (Lille, França). In 2023, he became a professor by the Teleinformatics Engineering Department (DETI) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC, Brazil). At UFC, he collaborates with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, France) on research involving machine learning and meteorology.


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    Emilie Caillault


    Emilie Caillault

    Emilie Poisson-Caillault is a professor at university of Littoral (ULCO), Lilles, France. She is a specialist of Machine Learning and data science. She develops research and has many publications in various topics like: pattern clustering and classification; time series; convolutional neural networks; hidden markov models; fully unsupervised or constrained spectral clustering; elastic distance metrics for signal comparison; environmental science computing. She is also very active as a developer (github.com/emiliepoisson).



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